Services > Places to visit > Region of Český Krumlov > Activities > Hiking trails

Nové Hrady - Terčino údolí - Cuknštejn - Kraví hora - Benešov nad Černou, 20 km

Nové Hrady

Location: Region of Český Krumlov
Type: Hiking trails

Lenght of route: 20 km
Time: 5 - 7 hours

From Nové Hrady (museum in the old castle) go through Terčino údolí (a valley, protected park with precious wood trees) via Cuknštejn, Horní Stropnice, Dobrá Voda, Hojná Voda to the top of the Kraví mountain (952 m above sea level) - still by the red line pass the rock formation Napoleon and continue on the ridge via the Kuní mountain, Cikánka and Zaječí mountain to Benešov nad Černou.

Attractions: Nové Hrady - castle, residence, monastery, church, Buquoy crypt, smithy; Tereziino valley, fort Cuknštejn, pilgrimage church Dobrá Voda, mountain Kraví hora, Napoleon's head, mountain Kuní hora

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