News > 2008

Český Krumlov scores in a survey of top 100 historic destinations around the world

PRAGUE 27. 11. 2008 (

The survey of most authentic historic destinations conducted annually by the National Geographic Traveler magazine lists only one Czech town. And it is not Prague.

Český Krumlov se dostal mezi 100 nejkrásnějších historických míst světa

A body of almost 300 panelists has selected top one hundred historic destinations around the world for the National Geographic Traveler magazine. Český Krumlov took 16th spot, beating famous destinations such as Damascus, Sydney or Verona.

“In the fifth annual destination-stewardship survey we look at how well historic destinations are withstanding mass tourism, neglect and wrecking-balls. As well as the more subtle threat of overplaying the past, where a place ends up embalmed as a lifeless museum or Disneyfied into a cute parody of its true heritage,” the authors comment in the accompanying introduction.

Český Krumlov se dostal mezi 100 nejkrásnějších historických míst světa

When ranking the historic destinations, the authors have admittedly skipped “living museums” and stand-alone sites. Instead they chose only “populated communities possessing a historic character”.  The destinations were evaluated using six criteria such as the condition of historic buildings as well as environmental and ecological quality and social integrity.

You can read the entire article "Český Krumlov scores in a survey of top 100 historic destinations around the world" here. The web pages of National Geographic Traveler also list all 109 top historic destinations as well as a complete list of experts who scored the destinations.


Český Krumlov has scored a total of 76 points out of a maximum of 100 points.
The highest-scoring destination has been awarded 88 points!